Anna Frants (Russia-USA)
Living Tapestry

Media installation, 2018
Computer Programming: Aleksey Grachev
Supported by CYLAND MediaArtLab

Gadgets help us narrow down our location, take photographs, analyze, construct dynamic tables and charts, store the accumulated data in the clouds and draw conclusions based on it. They transform the "living" into "dynamic", "warm" — into "favorable temperature setting", and "love" — into "hormonal release". In the installation "Living Tapestry", robotic eyes track the viewer, registering each of his movements and creating in real time a fabric out of video fragments that is similar to "textile pixels" in the traditional tapestries. The servo-engines are clicking, and one can hear the subdued noise of the crowd — it is as if the frozen image came to life and turned into the tapestry that has taken on a life of its own.

Anna Frants

Artist, curator in the field of media art. Born in 1965 in Leningrad, USSR.
She graduated from the Vera Mukhina Higher School of Art and Design (Leningrad, USSR) and Pratt Institute (New York, USA).
Cofounder of the nonprofit cultural foundation St. Petersburg Arts Project, CYLAND Media Art Lab and Cyfest festival.
Frants’ interactive installations have been showcased at Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art (Russia), Video Guerrilha Festival (Brazil), Manifesta 10 Biennale (St. Petersburg, Russia, 2014), Museum of Art and Design (New York, USA), Hermitage Museum (St. Petersburg, Russia), Chelsea Art Museum (New York, USA), Russian Museum (St. Petersburg, Russia), Kunstquartier Bethanien (Berlin, Germany) and at other major venues all over the world. The artist’s works are in the collections of Russian Museum (St. Petersburg, Russia), Museum of Art and Design (New York, USA), Sergey Kuryokhin Center for Modern Art (St. Petersburg, Russia) and Kolodzei Art Foundation (New York, USA) as well as in numerous private collections.
Lives and works in New York, USA, and St. Petersburg, Russia.