Deep Meditations 1.0. Deep Learning Software Installation. Memo Akten. 2018
Deep Meditations 1.0. Deep Learning Software Installation. Memo Akten. 2018
Curators: William Latham, Anna Frants, Elena Gubanova, Frederic Leymarie
Artists: Marina Alekseeva, Memo Akten, Laura Dekker, Alexandra Dementieva, Jake Elwes, Anna Frants, Alexey Grachev / Sergey Komarov, Elena Gubanova / Ivan Govorkov, Sergey Katran, Parashkev Nachev / John Ashburner, Vitaly Pushnitsky, Annie Tadne, Nye Thompson, William Latham / Stephen Todd / Lance Putnam / Guido Salimbeni / Peter Todd, Andy Lomas and Brigitta Zics
Vision: An exhibition exploring the twilight world between human and machine creativity. The exhibition shows works by selected artists linked to Goldsmiths and artists from the CYLAND MediaArtLab based in St. Petersburg, Russia. Developed in association with the Youth Education Center at the State Hermitage and The Leonardo Journal, the works shown will include Virtual Reality Installations, Sculptures, Computer Art Installations, Video Art Installations and Machine Learning Art.
The exhibition will be accompanied by talks and panels led by Theodoros Papatheodorou.
Private View:
November 7 (Wednesday), 6 pm – 9 pm
The Creative Machine Exhibition PV
Hatcham Church Gallery, Goldsmiths,
St. James, New Cross Gate,
London, SE14 6AD, UK
Campus map
Exhibition Open to Public:
November 8 – 18, 2018
Opening Hours:
10 am – 6 pm
For enquiries, please contact: